Since that day I read at least one book a month. The lecture is very important , especially in my career, because we always are reading about information and discoveries, and we need know the development of new manufactures of drugs or something like that.
Two years ago, I seen a movie that I liked to much, it name is Maze Runner, and I love the principal actor Dilan Obrien, the movie was so intense that I didn’t mean see the end to read the book.

The story is about adolescents that are closed in a farm and the only way to scape is from a labyrinth.
In this farm just are men and only one women, that is one of the principal personages.
The book is very emotional because, the guys did no remember anything about their life before. Also the labyrinth has monsters and a million traps.

I Like see movies, I go to cinema like 2 or 3 time in a month
The movie that most I like is… the amazing Spiderman 2, because is a romantic movie, and I cry with every romantic movie, I don’t know why, but this movie It thrills me too much. I love the action, the fight the drama, but the end is terrible.
Also i like to much the actors Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Also when the movie premiered they were boyfriends in the real life.
This is not a cult movie but a movie to have fun and have a good time with family and friends