Although it is an exciting subject, the class is not really funny or motivating, because the teacher just is talking for 3 hours and this is very stressing, also if you don´t understand in the beginning of class is difficult To understand later because the teacher is talking about different things all the time, and is very easy to get lost or confused.

Usually we have theoretical class, because I think that we did not get yet the knowledge yet to go to the laboratory, although sometimes we have “Practical works” where the teacher show us an experiment and we need develop an inform about that, in this case is necessary investigate about this theme. Those informs are in groups of 4 or 5 persons, this part I like too much because we compared ours results to get to a concussion.
Also we have seminaries where we development all together, different answers about a theme, like for example Action potentials, hormones, receptors, etc. I think that in every class I learn more with this mechanism of work.
I have just one problem, I like this subject, but regrettably I’m not good for that, because I understand a lot, but I find it hard to memorize it, because is too much information, also I don’t write fast and sometimes I don’t reach to write everything that the teacher says.
Once in a while I don´t study this subject… but it´s happened because I need study for other subject and I didn’t have time for physiology, but this is very common in the career, because we have lots of subjects and little time
Once in a while I don´t study this subject… but it´s happened because I need study for other subject and I didn’t have time for physiology, but this is very common in the career, because we have lots of subjects and little time
I like physiology, but not the teacher:( ajajaj.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same as you, I like physiology but I don't understand a lot
ReplyDeleteI like physiology too !!!! . :) regards :)
ReplyDeleteI also like the subjects that have to do with biology and how our body works :)
ReplyDeleteI generally don't like subjects related to biology but I consider that the subject of physiology is fun
you are right, the class is not really funny or motivating
ReplyDeleteThe subject is very interesting, the problem is how they teach it:(