Thursday, June 29, 2017

My Blogging Experience

Well I think this experience was different and interesting, I think it's a good idea to practice the language. This is because we need to explain about a theme and try to communicate with our classmates and tell them about our lives on the blog. .
I liked when we talk about different topics from university, because it is more interesting and this It clears and relaxes me and let me know a little more to my classmates and friends. For example I liked when we talk about "My favourite photography"

After doing this blogs, I think I have developed my vocabulary, because usually I do not read or write in English but now I do that. Maybe not to much but i can do something. Also this experience helps me with other subjects in the career like physiology or research.
I think we can do in our homes, because it is more comfortable and relax. Also I think we can write or talk with other people blogs in other section, to communicate with others classmates, because this way, the experience will be more interesting and dynamic.
Also in the future maybe we can write about our hobbies or the countries and places that we have visited or about the most important person in our lives.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

The distillation is a method used in chemistry to separate different liquids of a mixture about it Boiling point to obtained Each substance separately
The greater the difference between the boiling points of the substances in the mixture, the more effective the separation of their components; That means, the components will be obtained with a higher degree of purity.
I think this is very important for every carrier about chemistry ... because it is a very good method because it is effective and easier.
We use that for every separation in liquids and purify the compound.
Exist different tips of distillation.
Fractional distillation
Steam Distillation
Vacuum distillation
Centrifugal molecular distillation
Destructive distillation
About I know, The distillation it's use in the industries in different cases
For example in the obtaining of alcoholic drinks or in the obtaining of petroleum products
This is a benefit because of this method we obtaining: gas, naphtha kerosene, and lubricants. This is energy not renovate.
Maybe a disadvantage is that the heating may require a lot of energy to achieve boil some compounds
Without the distillation the obtaining of this compound will be more difficult.

In the laboratory of the university we have learned to mount a system of a simple distillation in this case we have a balloon whit the mixture and apply hot to boil the compound, and the gases will go to condenser.
The condenser with water can cool the compound to make it liquid again and recuperated.
It is known that distillation has been used for the purification of water for domestic use, schools or hospitals if there is not bottled water or clean tap water available. For this would be a good method for the future to save water and to return to reuse it.
This can help the environment and make an impact on the welfare of the people, due to the lack of fresh water in many regions, reducing the excessive consumption of water.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The most enjoyable subject

The subject that I most like at the moment is physiology, because i like the biology, and this subject is a branch of biology, where is studied the organs of living beings and their functions in system, I like this subject because to me is very interesting and exciting understand everything that is happening in an organism, and I think this is especially necessary for my career.

Although it is an exciting subject, the class is not really funny or motivating, because the teacher just is talking for 3 hours and this is very stressing, also if you don´t understand in the beginning of class is difficult To understand later because the teacher is talking about different things all the time, and is very easy to get lost or confused.

In the class the teacher use a lots of pictures, because is better see in a caricature the cells and system to perceive and comprehend the information.
Usually we have theoretical class, because I think that we did not get yet the knowledge yet to go to the laboratory, although sometimes we have “Practical works” where the teacher show us an experiment and we need develop an inform about that, in this case is necessary investigate about this theme. Those informs are in groups of 4 or 5 persons, this part I like too much because we compared ours results to get to a concussion.
Also we have seminaries where we development all together, different answers about a theme, like for example Action potentials, hormones, receptors, etc. I think that in every class I learn more with this mechanism of work.

I have just one problem, I like this subject, but regrettably I’m not good for that, because I understand a lot, but I find it hard to memorize it, because is too much information, also I don’t write fast and sometimes I don’t reach to write everything that the teacher says.
Once in a while I don´t study this subject… but it´s happened because I need study for other subject and I didn’t have time for physiology, but this is very common in the career, because we have lots of subjects and little time


Well, I'm not interested in this summer vacation, for many reasons first; I have no money second; this summer I do my pre-practice and...