It was a very difficult decision because i like lots of things, and different areas. My career is about science has a lot of chemistry and biology.
When I was a little girl I never thought of someday I will be a scientific, the most similar was be a doctor or nurse, but I don’t like blood. I’m not a person who dreamed with her profession, but I always dreamed with travel. Maybe I thought I will be a stewardess or something like that.I don’t really remember that I wanted to be when ground up.

When I was in school, had science class and I liked that but I hated the teachers…all of them. But always was a good student because my parents are very strict, also in Chile notes are necessary to postulate to university,
So I had to work hard to get good notes, but the school ended and I did not know what do with my life.
I talk with my dad and he understood me. This summer I was very sad and disappointed of me, but my family takes me travel to south of my country and Bariloche, Argentina.
When I come back, I studied too much and I dedicated myself to finding my vocation. And I found 3 careers that I really like.
My favorite it was veterinarian but I did not want studied in Santiago, because I love the south and I want study in other region.
The other one was agronomy. And finally Chemistry and Pharmacy.

In the future I hope work in a laboratory or help animals and people of Africa with my knowledge of sciences.
Hi mikki, I think that the support of you family is fundamental, and is great that you have had it at the time that you needed them!